Thursday, June 24, 2010

Changing the Vibration

I've always been really fascinated by the science of sound. Like, why do some combinations of notes, pitches, tambers, sounds, instruments, or voices affect you in some way, and some don't? And of course, it's so different for everyone- not every piece of music, or sound, hits you and me in the same way. I just think that's cool.

For a number of years, I was pondering what my "mission" was, or, if you're into that kind of success stuff, my "BHAG"- Big Hairy Audacious Goal. You know, the one that way too many people in your life have discouraged you from, either consciously or unconsciously, reminding you how "unlikely", "dangerous", "risky" or whatever, it is. I've accomplished a lot in my indie music career, and I'm really grateful for all of it, from the album releases to the songs to the performances worldwide, to the song placements and licensing, to the amazing, incredible, generous, fun people I've met along the way. But I have to be honest- in all of it, for a long time, I consistently ran into questions to myself, like, somewhere along the lines of: "What are you doing this for? Don't you know you could make more of a difference/make more money/have a more stable life being a neuroscientist/advertising copywriter/yoga instructor...?" Probably a result of the fact that I have no family in the arts, professionally, at least, and that in some way, I just grew up in a place where you pretty much went to college and then got "a job." And I have WORKED my butt off to create and keep the life and career I have, and to continually assist in its positive evolution, but you know what? When it's great, when the creativity is flowing and I'm hanging with another amazing writer or producer or generally inspiring person who went after and is achieving their truest dream and goal, it doesn't feel like work. It feels warm and fabulous and fun and exciting and inspiring, like I'm vibrating at a higher frequency.

And that's what I've discovered about music. That it's not just the notes, or the words, or the chords I play on the piano, or the piano versus the guitar- I mean, it IS, it's every specific choice that goes into creating a song, a's the environment you hear the song in, and whether a taxi is passing by or a violin is playing with me....all those millions of factors play into how the music affects people at any given moment. And my mission, the thing I want to do, with this music, and hopefully with my life to, is change the vibration for the better. I literally want people vibrating differently after they hear my records, or hear and see a live performance. I want to elevate you, to inspire you, to make you feel better, more released, like you are cleaner, clearer, just feeling better, because of that song, or performance. it's so amazing that we can do this. Suddenly, music is magic again- and I get to be the alchemist who decides on what I'm putting in any specific sonic elixir. And when those sound waves reach out into space, into the air, they literally vibrate the air differently, and when those sound waves and that air flows around and into me, and you, we literally vibrate differently, right down to a cellular level.

I know I'm, like, really overzealous about this right now, but it's just occurred to me how absolutely incredible that is- and it's making music something much much bigger than just "the next tune" or "the next gig" for me.

Anyway, I invite you to join my mission- and today, maybe play with that concept- that what you do, what you say, the music YOU create in your home, your work, and your life today, will literally change everyone you come in contact with by vibrating them differently. Please use this power responsibly ;-)

And, if you're in the NYC area tomorrow night, you can get discount $10 tix for the benefit concert I'm playing for LifeBEAT, the Music Fights AIDS organization that i have worked with for years, going into AIDS facilities all over the city to play music for the residents. Check out the show, it's going to be awesome. Fefe Dobson, Katy Pfaffl, Todd Alsup, and me are all playing. Get the $10 tix with promo code CASS (down from the regular $15) by calling 212-352-3101 or going to

The show is A Night of Hearts and Voices
Friday June 25
7:30 pm
The Gramercy Theatre (127 East 23 St at Lexington Ave)
Tix $10 with promo code CASS at 212-352-3101 or

xo cass

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