Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Auspicious Beginnings (or, oh my god i have too much to say and you shall all now be subject to it)

Oh goody.

Another way for me to procrastinate.


Yes, it took me this long to get on board, as it usually does. I remember when the internet came out. I was like "Dad, why on earth would i ever use something like this? Get off the computer. I was playing Frogger."

And now I'm playing Blogger.

Yes, that rhymed.

I'm a songwriter because I recognize things like this.

Basically, another thing that you may learn about me from this little experiment in public journaling is that it often takes me a while to "get it", as in, people around me are telling me things for a long time ("go to Nashville"..."stop dating that guy"..."come to this jam"...), and it takes me sometimes years to finally actually take their advice and DO it, after which point, i inevitably wonder what took me so damn long in the first place, since this is GREAT!

For some reason, I'm compelled to sort of lay out the variety of things I may talk about in this blog. I'm not sure why. To prepare you? To lay the groundwork? I don't know. Maybe there's just not a reason why.

Anyway, I will say this.

Mom, I will probably swear at some point in this blog. Or talk about sex. I'm just telling you that up front.

People in my life, I will probably talk about you at some point in this blog. I'm just saying.

I'm sure I'll be sharing my fascinating commentary, ramblings, observations, and wit on a far too regular basis, mostly because I'm a Leo and I like to hear myself talk (or, watch myself type?), which will probably invite all sorts of accusations that I'm self-centered. Well, good. I hope you're centered on your "self" too :-)

Like, for instance, I was walking down 35th street yesterday, and I saw a sign for a place called "Care Free Cleaners." I don't really think they're conveying the message they intended to convey, in choosing that name. I wish I had taken a picture.

I will say this, though. I'm excited for a few things with this blog. First of all, to just write it. I have a feeling that just the act of writing will stir up a lot of things, for me, and help inspire me in my "real" job, songwriting and performing. Secondly, it will be a real trip to see who reads this. Besides my mom. Thirdly, I am excited to organize my thoughts and maybe say something remotely insightful, helpful, inspiring, or entertaining about the music business, my own writing, recording, and performing, albums, dancing, videos, live shows, etc... and also probably about yoga, God, life, food, New York, traveling, people, love- all the things that make me so happy to be alive and able to immerse in it all like a child every single day.

I'm stoked.

The Cassandra Kubinski Blog: because Twitter just doesn't give you enough characters.

Tata for now!

PS- my next show is this coming SUNDAY, APRIL 11 at 5 pm at Rockwood Music Hall (196 Allen St, just below Houston St, in downtown New York City). I'm debuting 6 new songs that I'm producing currently.

And PPS- my new, live, double album LIVE AT CAMP NASHVILLE is now out at and also on iTunes. I'm donating a portion of the proceeds to charities like VH1 Save the Music, that benefit kids' music education and summer music camps. So please support me and the cause if you like acoustic live music by downloading the album! And remember, momma taught you to share, so send this link around to anyone else you know who likes live music.


  1. This is great!! I love it!! Yeah you can blog about me, I don't mind. And since we are both "LEO" I know what u mean lol.

    Will check your blog as often as I can.

    You rock and I love yah!

  2. You possibly have the best blog name ever. <3
